Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Journaling and other Writing Ideas

Why do people ask if you want to be a writer?
  ~ I like to write down ideas for stories that my brain is concocting. I like the idea of being a writer, but have never pictured myself being published. I write down my thoughts and ideas . . . therefore of a sorts I guess I am a writer.
Do I aspire to be a famous writer?
 ~ Oh how nice I am sure that is. Sure if I can create an amazing enough story. I have tons of ideas but only partial ideas. I must reflect upon them. I don't want to say I am a writer however as I do not yet dedicate enough time to writing. Must work on that!

 I like to put my thoughts down on paper when I am compelled to do so. It is cathartic. I don't know if I'm any good but I know it feels good to get it out of my system and even share with those closest to me. So far, as an adult, I have composed only poetry. I like them, but have been turned down by the UVU english publication to have either poem I submitted published. I would like to start piecing a novel together but am unsure exactly how to accomplish this. I have my main character ("The Monster") and a location as well as ideas for plot, however I am unsure how to conceive of other characters as this point in time. What kind of friend does a loner have? If everyone is afraid of you, how do you find a friend or companion. More questions to come . . .

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