Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Our family moved in with my mom and dad November 1st of 2009. The intent behind this was to help my parents pay their mortgage payment in case my mom was laid off, and also to help us out while "buying" the house from my parents. My initial reaction was supreme misgiving. The last place I wanted to live was with my parents . . . mostly because of personality differences between my dad and I. However the idea fit perfectly with me being able to quit my job and focus all my attention and time on finishing school. The plan was that my parents would move downstairs into the basement apartment they built with my Aunt and our little family (not actually so little at 8 members plus Aries) would live upstairs. It was agreed that when my aunt and parents were ready, they would move upstairs and we would move to the downstairs apartment where we will live happily ever after. This was my mom and dad's idea and while it made sense, I hated the feeling that I was displacing my parents in their own house.
So here we are 19 months later. Things are going much better than I anticipated. I was able to quit my job and focus my attention on school and the kids, Darren is working his butt off to support us, and we are down a couple of kids actually living with us. My relationship with my parents is better than it has ever been and my kids have easy access to their grandparents. My dad has taken Grace and Daryn fishing a bunch of times (which Grace LOVES) and comes upstairs on occasion to chat and laugh. I love it.
We just found out that my Aunt is moving to Idaho to be closer to her son so the timetable for us to move downstairs, originally slotted for around 10 years, has been moved up. I'm really excited. Mostly because I won't have to deal with the daily guilt of my parents being downstairs, but also because it feels right. The tentative plan is to begin the moving process after August 1st. The move will require us to buy new home furnishings (as we sold all of ours when we moved to fit). Tosha has recently moved back home (YAY!!) so to accommodate she will be sharing a room with Grace and Daryn. Michaella will be staying upstairs with my parents. The ONLY downside? We will be going from 2 1/2 baths to 1 . . . AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! Oh well, we will make it work.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

So about four years ago I heard a song that not only described how I felt about my life, but also touched my heart. I was watching an episode of "Ugly Betty" while cleaning and heard a woman singing a beautiful song about how she was going to change the world and fight against the rules she felt were wrong. She was going to "DEFY GRAVITY." From that song I learned about the play "Wicked" and decided I had to hear the whole album. I love the message that song inspires. I love the play as well (and have seen it three times *lucky me!!*) That one saying has become a leitmotif in my life and one I would like my girls to adopt, if they so choose, as well.
It is not about breaking the rules necessarily, but more about fighting against the wrongs and injustices we encounter on a daily basis. It's about looking at a person or a situation and not automatically accepting the first impression you get. It is about standing by something you believe in despite the plethora of non-believers. It is about being your own person and not becoming a carbon copy of what the world expects you to be. It is about being a voice for those who are unable to speak for themselves.